Will you ever send my CV to a client without my permission?

It is rare – and, we guarantee, absolutely never happens at CRA consultants – but every so often an over-zealous recruitment consultant does send a CV to a client without permission even though they are not allowed to do this by law.

As it is against the law, you are probably wondering why a consultant would ever send out your CV without your permission after all your CV belongs to you!

The most likely reason is the agency is trying to show their client/s the calibre of candidate they can attract.

Alternatively, they might be worried you are attached to other consultants, and they might beat them to the drop.  This is a particularly worrying situation.  If several agencies put you forward for a position, you could end up at the centre of a three or four-way wrangle.  Your first thought might be this will improve the package you are offered.  However, it is much more likely that your potential employer will lose faith and discount you completely, feeling dealing with your agents is too much trouble. 

For any recruitment agency, honesty should always be the best policy.

Transparency is essential.  A consultant should always have the strength of their own convictions and tell a candidate if they feel their application is not strong enough.  Your consultant’s job is to find exactly the right role for you, not try to palm you off on the first available opportunity.  After all, we are managing your career, not ours. 

These are two of the values we believe separate CRA Consultants from a run of mill recruitment company.  We pride ourselves on matching candidates to opportunities even though it takes longer and requires more effort not to mention a great deal more specialise sector knowledge.  

The power of these values is reflected in our ‘repeat purchase’ rates. 

We have not only worked with our clients for years, we have worked with our candidates for years.  It is not uncommon for us to guide candidates through their entire careers, taking them from trainee to senior management through a succession of  highly targeted and equally tailored roles.

However, for us finding the perfect match is not just about time, effort and transparency.  As specialist legal and finance recruiters, it’s also about consistently matching professionalism, principles and integrity of the sectors we serve.  We simply wouldn’t be credible if we didn’t match the exacting standards set by our clients.

And that will never involve sending your CV out without your knowledge and your express permission.

If you are looking for your perfect role in the legal, accountancy or finance sectors, please get in touch with our team of specialist legal and finance recruiters today.

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